Abstract submission and registration for the conference are two different steps. For registering for the conference ICORS, click on the following button. There is no obligation to submit an abstract for your registration to be effective.
Submit an abstract
ICORS features contributed and poster sessions, in addition to keynotes and invited sessions. Accepted contributed talks consist of a presentation (15 minutes) followed by questions from the audience. Accepted posters will be showcased during the evening social hours. Poster authors will also present a 2 minute pitch in the poster session.
Abstracts submitted for consideration at ICORS must follow the official ICORS 2025 Abstract Template. To submit an abstract send your contribution by e-mail to icors.math@unitn.it. Be sure to include all files (tex, figures, bib) and a pdf version.
Deadline for submission is February 10th, 2025. On the basis of the abstract, the notification of acceptance of your paper for presentation at the conference will be given within February 12th, 2025.
In case of any problems, please reach us at icors.math@unitn.it
This rule applies to all abstracts, regardless if it is submitted to an invited, contributed or poster session.
Follow the format instructions given in the ICORS 2025 Abstract Template. The text in this file is written in the prescribed format and can be used as a specimen. Save the file icors2025.sty in your working directory.
The posters, which should be vertical (DIN A0 = 84.1 × 118.9 cm), will be clipped to the available supports (clips will be provided).
Main recommendations
- Abstracts (no more than 4 pages, we expect 1-2 pages on average) in english should be submitted by email to icors.math@unitn.it.
- Abstracts should be prepared using the conference style (including the title of the communication, the author(s), their affiliations and adresses, etc.).
- Submit both the *.tex, *.bib, figures and the *.pdf files of your abstract.
- Figures: while it is not forbidden to include figures we really discouraged it.
- File size: files larger than 1 Mb are not preferred.
- LaTeXmacro: please avoid the use of any non-standard macro, packages, and the definition of new commands.
- LaTeX template