Plenary Speakers
Genevera Allen (Department of Statistics, Columbia University)
Luis Angel Garcia-Escudero (Departamento de Estadìstica e I.O. and IMUVA, University of Valladolid)
Marc Hallin (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Johannes Lederer (Department of Mathematics, University of Hamburg)
Valentin Todorov (United Nations Industrial Development Organization (retired), Vienna, Austria)
Invited Sessions
IS – Robust inference based on the Density Power Divergence and other Bregman Extensions
Organized by Ayanendranath Basu
Chaired by Claudio Agostinelli
High-Dimensional Nonparametric Optimization of Scaled Bregman Distances
Wolfgang Stummer (Friedrich-Alexander Universität)
Robust Sure Independence Screening for Ultra-High Dimensional Mixed Models
Abhik Ghosh (Indian Statistical Institute)
Robust Life-Time Estimation based on the Density Power Divergence for Highly Reliable Products
Maria Jaenada Malagon (Complutense University of Madrid)
Ayanendranath Basu (Indian Statistical Institute)
Organized by Graciela Boente
Bootstrapping Robust Nonparametric Regression Estimators
Stefan Van Aelst (KU Leuven)
A Robust and Sparse Approach in Partially Linear Additive Models
Alejandra Martinez (Universidad Nacional de Lujan)
Robust Nonparametric Regression for Compositional Data
Ana Bianco (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
IS – Robust Inference with Applications in Life Sciences
Organized by Peter Filzmoser
FDR control with knockoff e-values in robust multivariate compositional regression
Gianna Monti (University of Milano Bicocca)
Manon Felix (University of Geneva)
IS – Robustness in Diversity
Organized by Xuming He
Quantile Integrated Depth and Applications
Sara Lopez-Pintado (Northeastern University)
Linglong Kong (University of Alberta)
Xinzhou Guo (Hong Kong University of Science and Technology)
IS – Outlier Identification and Related Topics
Organized by Christian Hennig
Regularized covariance estimation with applications to portfolio optimization
Pietro Coretto (University of Salerno)
Trimmed factorial k-means: a simulation study
Matteo Farnè (University of Bologna)
A novel framework for quantifying nominal outlyingness
Efthymios Costa (Imperial College London)
Ana Maria Kenney (Penn State University)
IS – Robust Statistics for Non-Standard Data
Organized by Mia Hubert
Robust Order Determination for Tensors Using Data Augmentation
Una Radojicic (TU Wien)
Cellwise and Casewise Robust Covariance in High Dimensions
Fabio Centofanti (University of Naples)
Giovanni Porzio (University of Cassino)
IS – Divergence Based Inference – I
Organized by Anand Vidyashankar
Jeffrey Collamore (University of Copenhagen)
Marianthi Markatou (University of Buffalo)
David Kepplinger (George Mason University)
IS – Divergence Based Inference – II
Organized by David Kepplinger
Pramita Bagchi (George Washington University)
Ejaz Ahmed (Brock University)
Anand Vidyashankar (George Mason University)
IS – Divergence Based Inference – III
Organized by Anand Vidyashankar and David Kepplinger
Arun Kumar Kuchibolta (Carnegie Melon University)
Kamelia Daudel (ESSEC Business School)
Robust estimation of reliability coefficients with rating-scale data
Max Welz (University of Zurich)
IS – Robust statistics for non-standard data – II
Organized by Agustin Mayo-Iscar
Canonical correlation analysis of stochastic trends via functional approximation
Paolo Paruolo (European Commission, Joint Research Centre)
Cell-TRICC: a Model-Based Approach to Cellwise-Trimmed Co-Clustering
Edoardo Fibbi (KU Leuven)
Robust estimation of mixed models
Fabrizio Laurini (University of Parma)
IS – Current Advances and Trends in Robust Statistics
Organized by Marianthi Markatou
Annie Qu (University of California, Irvine, UCI)
Saptarshi Chakraborty (University of Buffalo)
Jiwei Zhao (University of Wisconsin)
Gabriela Cohen Freue (University of British Columbia)
IS – Recent Advances in Statistical Depth
Organized by Davy Paindaveine
Depths for scatter and shape parameters
Germain Van Bever (Université libre de Bruxelles)
Regularized estimation of Monge-Kantorovich quantiles for spherical data
Gauthier Thurin (ENS Paris)
Wasserstein spatial depth
Alberto Gonzalez Sanz (Columbia University)
IS – Robustness Against Cellwise Outliers
Organized by Peter Rousseeuw
Robust Multilinear Principal Component Analysis
Mia Hubert (KU Leuven)
cellGMM: a Cellwise Robust Model-Based Clustering Approach
Agustin Mayo-Iscar (University of Valladolid)
Challenges of Cellwise Outliers
Jakob Raymaekers (University of Antwerp)
IS – Advances in Robust Methodologies for Discrete and Categorical Data
Organized by Anne Ruiz-Gazen
Chaired by Christophe Croux
Robust Matrix Completion for Discrete Rating-Scale Data
Aurore Archimbaud (TBS Toulouse)
Robust estimation of structural equation models
Andreas Alfons (Erasmus University Rotterdam)
Calibrated Robust Correspondence Analysis
Marco Riani (University of Parma)
Shojaeddin Chenouri (University of Waterloo)
IS – Cutting-Edge Challenges in Robust Statistics: Privacy, Bias, and Transport
Organized by Yiyuan She
M-estimators under user-level local differential privacy constraints
Marco Avella Medina (Columbia University)
CBMA: Improving Conformal Prediction through Bayesian Model Averaging
Bei Jiang (University of Alberta)
Robustness Aspects of Optimal Transportation
Elvezio Ronchetti (University of Geneva)
IS – The Role of Robust statistics in Signal Processing
Organized and chaired by David Tyler
Start being greedy: sparse covariance learning algorithms in signal processing
Esa Ollila (Aalto University)
Frédéric Pascal (CentraleSupélec)
IS – Robust Functional Data Analysis
Organized and chaired by Stefan van Aelst
Robust tests for equality of regression curves based on characteristic functions
Graciela Boente (University of Buenos Aires)
Resistant dispersion estimation for nonparametric regression
Ioannis Kalogridis (University of Glasgow)
Robustness and Explainability in Multivariate Functional Data Analysis
Marcus Mayrhofer (TU Wien)
IS - Robustness for Complex Data Structures
Organized by Tim Verdonck
Christophe Croux (KU Leuven)
Robust marginal functional PCA for repeated functional measurements
Peter Filzmoser (TU Wien)
Robust Independent Component Analysis
Sarah Leyder (University of Antwerp)
IS – Robust statistics for non-standard data – III
Organized by Agustin Mayo-Iscar
Selective Overview of Robust Mixture Regression Modeling
Weixin Yao (University of California, Riverside)
Aldo Corbellini (University of Parma)
Anomaly detection under Benford’s law
Andrea Cerioli (University of Parma)
IS – Quantile and Expected Shortfall Regression
Organized by Xuming He
Sander Barendse (University of Armsterdam)
Breakdown points of transport-based quantiles
Alberto Gonzalez Sanz (Columbia University)
IS – Changepoint Analysis of Time Series Data
Organized by QiQi Lu
Jon Woody (MIssissippi State University)
Edward Boone (Virginia Commonwealth University)
IS – Robustness in Single and Multi-Model Selection
Organized by Gabriela Cohen Freue
Garth Tarr (University of Sydney)
Samuel Muller (Macquarie University)
IS – Robust Inference in Semiparametric Models
Organized by Yanyuan Ma
Robust and efficient estimation in the presence of a randomly right-censored covariate
Tanya Garcia (University of North Carolina**
Ying Wei (Columbia University)
Efficient Inference with Predicted Data under Label Shift
Yanyuan Ma (Penn State University)
IS – Randomization and Related Methods
Organized by Anand Vidyashankar
William Rosenberger (George Mason University)
Gaspard Bernard (Universite du Luxembourg)
Michel Broniatowski (Pierre and Marie Curie University)
Organized by Claudio Agostinelli
Robust dimension reduction
Victor Yohai (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Asymptotics of estimators for structured covariance matrices
Rik Lopuhaä (TU Delft)
Robust estimation and variable selection for sparse generalized linear models
Marina Valdora (Universidad de Buenos Aires)
Contributed Sessions
Poster Session