Seminars at Geometry and Topology for Data Analysis
A series of Seminars inside the course on Geometry and Topology for Data Analysis at the Department of Mathematics
When: 11-26 May 2022
- The series of seminars is part of the homonym master level course.
- Each seminar (2 hours) will be also available in streaming on ZOOM
- Password: gtda_2122
- Contact person: Alessandro Oneto
May 11th, h.17.30 A213
Algebraic degrees of phylogenetic varieties
Marina Garrote-López (U. Alaska Fairbanks)
May 12th, h.14.30 A215
Persistent homology for shape comparison
Ulderico Fugacci (CNR-IMATI Genova)
May 19th, h.14.30 A215
Topological applications for pattern discovery in precision medicine
Nicole Bussola (OROBIX, Bergamo)
May 25th, h.14.30 A215
Numerical algebraic geometry
Paul Breiding (U. Osnabrück)
May 26th, h.15.30 A205
Topological data analysis methods for neuroscience
Martina Scolamiero (KTH Stoccolma)